If you do not vote Marino and Pasero this post scandaglierà your iris and send you to another dimension ... uahaha joking!
Palazzo Fieschi, Via Sestri 34 Seats in the elections: from 74 to 88
Club on March 8, Via Negro 2, Seats of the election: 92-101 and 105
Bowling Sestrese, Via Chiaravagna, Seats of the elections: from 89 to 91, 106 to 109, 116 and 117
Dopolavoro Ansaldo Villa Maria, Via Merano 101R, Seats of the election: 71 to 73 from 102 to 104
Arci 71, rope, Via Borzoli 7, Seats of the election: 110 to 115.
Alberto Spatola