I do not know if you know it, but I wanted to point to all this site. After finding out I stopped buying all chinoiserie from ebay. Do not know about you, but every time to communicate with the seller Shenzhen loses health.
I bought dive rsi objects, they all arrived, free shipping! The final price is only the sum of the prices of all the shit that you have chosen. Standard shipping is a bit slow (at least 20 days.) Aggratis but what you want?
Operators are always available and respond to requests in a rather speedy and punctual and (soprattutto!) in a proper English that it is hard to understand.
Ok now a couple of examples:
a silicone case x your new Ipod Nano 3Gen?
$ 06.01 -> € 1.12 (!!!)
Perhaps you prefer a kit of 12 fake mustache?
$ 2.62 -> 1.8 €
Do not miss the offer x 10 packs of matches original Chinese!
$ 2.98 -> 2.1 €
On the site you will find thousands of offers. I'm going crazy.
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