Monday, March 14, 2011

Cough After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Diversity Urban communities of Roma, Sinti and Travellers

Diversity Urban
expires April 15, 2011
UNAR - National Bureau Against Racial Discrimination - announces the photo contest "urban diversity", aimed at young people aged between 18 and 35 years, aimed at rewarding the photographs better demonstrate a significant capacity for observation contrasts positive and negative impacts of diversity in urban areas on the following topics:

a) Italian citizens, foreigners, and other ethnic and linguistic minorities
b) communities of Roma, Sinti and Travellers
c) people with disabilities,
c) people of different religions
d) young and old, and
) people with different orientation sexual and gender identity.
The goal is to make representations that emerge from the removal of stereotypes and prejudices, promote dialogue and social inclusion in urban contexts. Prizes will be awarded the best photographs that demonstrate the power of observation contrasts positive and negative effects of diversity in areas and in urban contexts.

6 photos, which are considered winning a tie to the Selection Committee, will be awarded € 1000.00 each. In addition, the best pictures (and not winning) will be selected and distributed as part of information campaigns and awareness developed by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Besides being published in a book and used for exhibitions of national importance.


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